GCE O/L Exam Preparation Classes

Overall performance in the GCE O/L examination has improved over the last 10 years in the Vanni area, yet work needs to be done to bring them up to the National level. We are focusing on giving a better foundation in Mathematics and Science from Grade 6 and special attention is given to the students who are struggling in Grade 10 as they begin to prepare for the O/L exams.

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We provide sponsorship for three categories of students. Namely, school students up to GCE Ordinary Level, school students in GCE Advanced Level and University students.

School Projects

We work with schools and Education Zones to get basic infrastructure and educational facilities in place so that student learning can happen in a better environment.

Special Needs

Kilinochchi district in SriLanka has 21 Special Education units taking care of more than 200 Special needs children. We provide assistance to these children and the schools.

ICT Projects

Purpose of ICT projects is to provide ICT facilities to schools so that they can use them as a tool to engage students in leaning and to extend the learning beyond classroom walls