Covid 19 Relief

Our Covid-19 relief efforts can be divided into 3 areas:

1. Emergency food relief to our sponsored students and their neighbourhoods.

We didn't actively collect funds, these were provided by our sponsors voluntarily We provided food packages to 1000 families in 5 education zones at a cost of Rs 1.7 million

2. Continuing Education while the institutions are shut.

We worked with Zonal education departments of Kilinochchi, Vavuniya North, Mannaar, Madhu and Thenmaradchy to print subject materials and worksheets to all students in the Zone. This way students would have somewhat covered their syllabus when they get back to school after the lockdown

3. Preparing the schools for post covid environment

(a) We worked with the Kilinochchi Education Zone to install 100 hand washing units at 35 schools so that students can keep up with the new hand sanitation rules brought into effect after the lockdown.

(b) We worked with Mullaitivu Education Zone to make and distribute washable clothed Masks to all the students in the Zone.



We provide sponsorship for three categories of students. Namely, school students up to GCE Ordinary Level, school students in GCE Advanced Level and University students.

School Projects

We work with schools and Education Zones to get basic infrastructure and educational facilities in place so that student learning can happen in a better environment.

Special Needs

Kilinochchi district in SriLanka has 21 Special Education units taking care of more than 200 Special needs children. We provide assistance to these children and the schools.

ICT Projects

Purpose of ICT projects is to provide ICT facilities to schools so that they can use them as a tool to engage students in leaning and to extend the learning beyond classroom walls